
i-3lm7rjw-x3At Ready Set GO Therapy we find that our comprehensive OT and Speech evaluation process lends itself to the provision of efficient, effective treatment. Our evaluation package includes a one-on-one evaluation session, parent, teacher, and other caregiver interview, a comprehensive report and home program.

It is through this process that we investigate foundational communication, gross motor, fine motor, and visual perceptual skills which may be affecting a child’s functional performance at home, school, or within the community. The evaluation session is one-on-one and includes a combination of standardized assessment and structured clinical observations.

Some of the OT and Speech evaluation tools we commonly use include:

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd Edition (BOT-2)
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, 2nd Edition (PDMS-2)
Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP)
Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
Developmental Test of Visual Perception, 3rd Edition (DTVP-3)
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, 3rd Edition, (TVPS-3)
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 6th Edition (Beery VMI)
The Print Tool
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Processing Measure

Treatment Sessions

i-fwq3kh3-x3Treatment sessions at Ready Set GO Therapy are packed with “just right” challenges for a child. In a safe, enticing environment, with the skill and careful scaffolding of their therapist, children challenge themselves to reach the next level of development. Each session is carefully planned and built upon the last session to maximize outcomes and help children and families reach their goals. Our objective is to have children leaving their sessions feeling successful and wanting to come back for more, all the while, building the foundational skills they need to meet therapy goals, whether those be OT or speech goals.

Intensive therapy services are available and can be highly valuable as a child begins the therapeutic process. Sessions may vary in duration and may be conducted 3 or more times per week for several weeks. It is common to see very fast initial progress with this more intensive approach, and summer or school vacations may lend themselves well to this scheduling.

Some of the treatment protocols and approaches we use include:

DIR Floortime™
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
Handwriting Without Tears
Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)
Therapeutic Listening/Astronaut Training
Sensory Integration Therapy
Kinesio Taping
Interactive Metronome®
Perceptual Enrichment Program (PEP)
Reflex Integration
ZONES of Regulation
Alert Program


Kaufman Children’s Center – Sensory Integration Therapy The Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (kidspeech.com)

It Takes Two To Talk – Hanen Program for Parents of Children with Language delays

Lidcombe Program Trainers Consortium

The PROMPT Institute

The SCERTS® Model


i-phpnfvx-xlActive consultation with families, schools, and other community providers proves invaluable to many clients as we work across a child’s many environments to ensure the best possible outcome.

School visits often help provide insight to the school staff about why a child might be struggling in a certain area. Teachers and therapists schedule an hour observation at the school and then a follow up discussion with the teacher and written recommendations are provided. Home and community visits can also be scheduled to assist in creating an optimal environment and meet your child’s needs.

Consultation with other providers such as other speech and occupational therapists, behavioral, or physical therapists can be conducted via phone calls, emails, virtual or in-person meetings upon request.


We know that kids naturally learn from each other. Our group sessions are dedicated to having fun and improving confidence in interacting with peers, while also benefiting from their example. With therapists carefully monitoring the group dynamics, each session is thoughtfully planned with the intention of ensuring each child feels successful and valued. As with all Ready Set GO Therapy services, play is at the heart of each group.

Friendship Explorations Outdoor Groups

Kids learn and grow so much from exploring their natural world.  This innovative group helps kids develop their social, motor, self-regulation and problem solving skills all while outside in beautiful Marin.  www.friendshipexplorations.com

Feeding Groups

Kids who are picky eaters often experience high levels of stress when eating.  Working with peers helps add an element of fun, and children are often more willing to try something new in the context of a group.

School Readiness Groups

The preschool years offer a tremendous opportunity for children to develop the foundations they will need to succeed during the coming school years. Our school readiness groups focus on the development of communication skills, gross and fine motor strength and control, pre-writing skills, focus, and the ability to work with peers.

Social Groups

While working and playing with peers can be a joyful experience, it can also be a challenge and a source of stress. In our social groups, children learn specific strategies and apply them during fun and exciting activities that are adapted to meet each child’s sensory or communication needs. Children develop confidence in their interactions while mastering concepts alongside peers.

School Services

i-jksm9bw-xlThe early years of school provide an excellent opportunity for children to develop the communication, motor and perceptual skills that set the foundation for academic success. Small motor groups focusing on these foundations may easily be incorporated into a school’s curriculum from preschool through 2nd grade. Therapists are available to design sensory motor groups, speech and language groups, and provide ongoing consultation to schools.

Community Education

i-bb3ndws-xlTherapists are available to conduct in-services or presentations to teachers, parents, or other providers.

Common topics include but are not limited to:

  • Motor skill development and its relation to academic success
  • Sensory processing and its influence on behavior
  • Home and classroom strategies for accommodating different sensory profiles
  • Simple, fun activities to help promote motor and communication skill development in toddlers and preschoolers
  • Fine motor foundations for Kindergarten
  • Developmental speech and language milestones
  • Facilitating development and accommodating for children with speech and language delays

Ready Set GO Therapy, Inc. • 180 Harbor Drive, Suite 112, Sausalito, CA 94965

415-339-8800 • Fax 415-963-4243 • info@readysetgotherapy.com