Treatment Sessions

i-fwq3kh3-x3Treatment sessions at Ready Set GO Therapy are packed with “just right” challenges for a child. In a safe, enticing environment, with the skill and careful scaffolding of their therapist, children challenge themselves to reach the next level of development. Each session is carefully planned and built upon the last session to maximize outcomes and help children and families reach their goals. Our objective is to have children leaving their sessions feeling successful and wanting to come back for more, all the while, building the foundational skills they need to meet therapy goals, whether those be OT or speech goals.

Intensive therapy services are available and can be highly valuable as a child begins the therapeutic process. Sessions may vary in duration and may be conducted 3 or more times per week for several weeks. It is common to see very fast initial progress with this more intensive approach, and summer or school vacations may lend themselves well to this scheduling.

Some of the treatment protocols and approaches we use include:

DIR Floortime™
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
Handwriting Without Tears
Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)
Therapeutic Listening/Astronaut Training
Sensory Integration Therapy
Kinesio Taping
Interactive Metronome®
Perceptual Enrichment Program (PEP)
Reflex Integration
ZONES of Regulation
Alert Program


Kaufman Children’s Center – Sensory Integration Therapy The Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (

It Takes Two To Talk – Hanen Program for Parents of Children with Language delays

Lidcombe Program Trainers Consortium

The PROMPT Institute

The SCERTS® Model

Ready Set GO Therapy, Inc. • 180 Harbor Drive, Suite 112, Sausalito, CA 94965

415-339-8800 • Fax 415-963-4243 •